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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Walking with a cane


Partner tore a muscle in his thigh at Thanksgiving; it pained him grievously, and made it difficult for him to walk comfortably.



So he used a cane for a while.



We’re a three-cane family.  We both own formal canes that are basically varnished tree-branches, and I keep a regular old medical-supply cane in the umbrella stand for occasional use.  I have occasional attacks of sciatica – one’s coming on right now, actually – during which I walk painfully, with a strange posture.  One of my very sweetest co-workers said some years ago that she always knew when I was having a sciatica attack, because I “walked like I had a load in my pants.”






Anyway, Partner was using his fancy cane when he went back to work after Thanksgiving.  One of his co-workers called him “Gandalf,” which I thought was hysterical, and I wish I’d thought of it first.  Myself, I like to use the regulation old-lady medical-supply cane; it looks stark and grandfatherly, and it tacitly reminds the children I work with that time is fleeting and the body crumbles.  Heh heh.



(My friend Patricia, now living in East Deerswamp, Massachusetts, has a much prettier cane, tinted lilac and patterned with lovely flower designs.  She was always a bit of a princess.  When she was still in the office with us, she’d jab us with it, unless we grabbed it away from her and jabbed her back.)



So Partner and I are tottering on into old age together.  Good!  Why not?  I saw a wonderful YouTube video recently of two old football players on stage together at a banquet; they’d been enemies/rivals decades ago, and the feud has never died; one tried to josh the other with some flowers, and the other struck out with his cane, and a fistfight ensued.



Which is the other reason a cane is handy.  It’s excellent for bopping people on the head.



Patricia would agree.  So would Partner.



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