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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The 2016 Presidential election


With what joy did I greet the day after the Presidential election! No more shrill television advertisements telling me that this candidate was a criminal and that candidate was a liar!



There was a very cute Facebook meme circulating that day and the next: a picture of a box full of kittens, with the caption: “Okay, Facebook! The election’s over! Time to get out the pictures of cute kittens!”



But it wasn’t more than a few days until we were told that Marco Rubio was visiting Iowa (for a friend’s birthday, naturally).



And Chris Matthews was talking about Hillary Clinton, and how she’s going to spend the next few years preparing for the 2016 election.



And then there was Fox News, which immediately began talking about the 2016 GOP hopefuls. (Stephen Colbert, drinking a cup of chamomile tea, did a wonderful spit-take over this, but I can’t find a clip of it.)



Well, who do you think (apart from Marco Rubio) would make a good GOP candidate?



Hmm. Someone tough-talking. Maybe a Northeasterner, which would (hopefully) screw up the Democratic lock on New England and the Northeast. Someone nationally known.



Who but New Jersey governor Chris Christie?



Yeah, I know. He doesn’t scare me much either. He’s a local flavor: he plays well in the Northeast, but maybe not so much in the South and West. He’s too noisy and angry, which aren’t really presidential traits.



But he would love love LOVE to be President.



Last week, when Hostess went out of business, he was asked about this. He blustered about it endlessly. Imagine, he said, what Saturday Night Live would make of it! Imagine how many laughs they’d get out of the fat Governor of New Jersey making comments about Cupcakes and Ding Dongs!



“You know,” Partner said prophetically, “he went on too long about it. He wants SNL to do something about it.”



And was Partner right?



In a big way. 



Not only did Christie get mentioned on SNL, he appeared on SNL. (I wish I could show you the clip, but NBC is very proprietary. Follow this link to Hulu, and you’ll get there.)



Christie was very cute: funny and natural (more natural than some of their recent guests and hosts).



If I were a Republican, and the 2016 Presidential election were today, I’d vote for him.



But – geez – a lot of things can happen in four years.



So let’s just wait a bit, and enjoy our Facebook kittens and our cup of chamomile tea, shall we, kids?



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