My poor heart can’t stand it. Three good things happened in
one day!
First of all: our old feeble refrigerator got replaced. I
wrote a mild email to our landlords two nights ago about how the food in our
freezer didn’t seem to be freezing properly, and the landlords replaced the
fridge the very next day! And it’s lovely, and they’re lovely people over at
the landlord’s office, and we love them and thank them.
This is nothing to me really, because I’m not a citizen of
California. I’m delighted, however, for the gay people who married in California
while it was legal, and who are legal again; I’m also delighted for the other
gay Californians who can now line up for marriage licenses. And I’m delighted
to see one more state added to the illustrious roster of states (including Little
Rhody) which have legalized gay marriage.
This is key.
Partner and I have long debated the issue of marriage. We’ve
lived together for fourteen years, which makes us married in the eyes of any
deity who matters. Rhode Island legalized gay marriage a few months ago –
hooray! But would it be of any advantage to us to get married? Not if the
federal government doesn’t recognize it. It would have no tax advantages, or
estate advantages.
But now, after the Supreme Court’s snappy 5-4 decision, it’s
a different story.
Do I hear wedding bells?
Or is it just our new (and more efficient) refrigerator
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