Ted Turner, a true visionary who’s also a true kook, founded
the Cable News Network in 1980.
People said he was crazy; there wasn’t enough news in the world to justify a
24/7 television news network.
CNN sputtered
along through the 1980s. Finally, the first Gulf War in 1991 gave them a
breakthrough. People sat hypnotized in front of their TVs and watched the live
coverage from Iraq and Kuwait: Wolf Blitzer, Bernard Shaw, Peter Arnett,
Christiane Amanpour. I remember sitting mesmerized in front of a friend’s
television myself (I didn’t have cable in those days).
Then cable became common. Then it became almost universal.
Then it became almost necessary.
Then CNN found that it was competing with Fox and other news
networks, which were using the formula CNN had itself created: reporting, reporting
on the reporting, experts. It is hard to fill up twenty-four hours a day with
news, so you come up with other stuff – let’s be charitable and call it “commentary”
– and pretend that your "commentary" is news too.
Let’s fast forward to the present day, shall we?
On the morning of the fourth of July, Partner and I happened to be watching CNN, and I suddenly realized that they were running a promo for the return of “Crossfire.”
“Crossfire”! This was a point-counterpoint program with
Tucker Carlson maybe ten years ago, which got shamed off the air by Jon Stewart, who pointed out that they were accomplishing nothing
except filling time.
Now they’re bringing it back.
Okay. Back to CNN. They’re doing a piece on the New
England Patriots player, Aaron Hernandez, who killed some
people. First, the anchor garbles the words “New England Patriots” into
something incomprehensible, and stares silently into the camera for a long
moment until she recovers control of her voice. Now we go to the story. CNN has
a reporter on the scene in Attleboro, Massachusetts; a neighbor is leading her
around the crime scene, explaining things to her. How the hell does this guy
know anything? Best of all, the neighbor is introduced this way: “This is Jay.
He asked that we not use his last name.”
Hi, Jay. We can see your face. If we really meant to do you
harm, we probably wouldn’t need to know your last name.
But don’t blame poor Jay in Attleboro. Blame the CNN
reporter who said, “Uh, sure, if you don’t want to use your last name, you don’t
have to. But of course you can appear on camera.”
Isn’t CNN hiring anyone with any expertise in journalism?
Evidently not.
But journalism is no longer in demand.
You gotta fill up those twenty-four hours a day with something!
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