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Friday, September 27, 2013

Feeding tube

I’m having a feeding tube installed next Friday. It’s a tube going directly into my stomach, which will enable me to “eat” if/when I’m not able to swallow anymore.


The procedure, my gastroenterologist informs me, is very simple. (He’s a cutie – short, paunchy, salt-and-pepper, very bouncy). It involves passing a wire from my mouth through my stomach, and – oh, you don’t want to know.

Anyway, I’ll have a little tube going directly into my stomach. I will be able to introduce food directly into my stomach via the tube and some sort of syringe-type device. (The cancer treatments will burn my throat, and it may be too painful for me to swallow – or I may lose the ability to swallow altogether. Again, kids: ew!)

What do I feed myself with? According to Partner’s sister: meatballs. According to Cute Gastroenterologist – “Oh, you know, like Ensure, or Envive, or something else.”

Ensure is good, but expensive; twenty-four cans cost more than a dollar apiece in BJs.

Carnation Breakfast Solutions (which was once called “Carnation Instant Breakfast”) is much cheaper, and has all the same ingredients – protein, vitamins, etc. I checked it out down at the local grocery. Ten packets were five dollars and change, and weighed maybe half a pound. A bulk container of the stuff, with almost a kilo of the powder, cost the same.

So I think I know what I’ll be buying.

How do I know it’s powder? I dropped the container while I was checking out the contents. It went all over the place, and exploded like a bomb on the floor in Aisle 10.

I got away from there as fast as I could.

Don’t worry: they overcharge, and we shop there regularly. We get our money back.

But I felt like a silly old man as I legged it away from there, rather than summoning a store employee and apologizing meekly.

Oh, who cares? They clean up messes all the time.

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