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Thursday, February 2, 2012

For Groundhog Day: Richard Eberhart's "The Groundhog," performed by college students


What to give you for Groundhog Day?  I wanted very much to share a clip of Rudy Vallee and Robert Morse singing the “Groundhog Song” from the movie version of “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying,” but all I could find on YouTube were audio recordings of Rudy and Robert, and tons of really awful college / neighborhood productions of the same. 



So nerts to that.



Then, by chance, up floated another idea.



I met Richard Eberhart at a poetry reading in the 1980s, and shook his hand, and told him how much I loved this poem, and he smiled and thanked me. 



I still love it. 



Below is a link to a video of a group of (I assume) college kids, somewhere, reading the poem (badly) and acting it out and generally murdering it.  Imagine!  The best poem ever written about a dead groundhog!



I like to think that Eberhart (who died in 2005) would have enjoyed it.



Happy Groundhog Day.



(Postscript: if you want to read the poem as it was actually written, try this link.)





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