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Friday, December 14, 2012

Doing something for the kitties and puppies


The local grocery market is not my favorite place. They are not very good at customer service, and they’re not cheap.



They do one nice thing, however: they give one percent of the money I spend there to the local charity of my choice.



Here’s how it works: I collect my receipts from XX Supermarket, and give them to my local charity. The charity, in turn, submits them to XX Supermarket, and receives one percent of the money I spent there.



It ain’t a million bucks, but it’s something. It’s painless, and it’s simple: all I have to do is collect the receipts and deliver them to the charity.



There is an animal shelter right next to my office. They are very good to the animals (not just dogs and cats, but rabbits and turtles and everything you can think of); they have toys and food and everything. Most of the animals are abandoned or orphaned. I go over and look at them sometimes, but not very often; some are cute and hopeful and playful, but many are worried and confused and sad, and it’s not comforting to see them upset and unhappy.



All of them are waiting for adoption.



So I give my one percent to the kitties and puppies. It will buy them some kibble, and toys, and a soft bed.



And that, Charlie Brown, is what Christmas is supposed to be all about.



Please go see if some merchant in your area does the same thing. It is a painless way to do a tiny bit of good in the world.


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