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Saturday, February 16, 2013

George Stephanopoulos, Ewan McGregor, journalism, and casual homophobia


I hate to sound like an old man, but here goes: journalism was better in the 1960s when I was young.



There are a few good and reputable newscasters on TV. I especially like Brian Williams and Scott Pelley: they are mostly impartial, and they manage to relay the news without noticeable bias. (Also they are both pretty cute.)



Then there are the rest. I won’t even try to list them. You know the ones: the ones who confuse opinion and fluff with news. 



Here’s one who caught me by surprise: George Stephanopoulos of “Good Morning America.” He wasn’t really a journalist to begin with; he was one of Clinton’s guys, who resigned after four years because the stress became too much for him. He wrote a book. He turned into a pundit. And now he’s on the morning news.



I recently saw this clip online. It's a thirty-second fragment of George interviewing actor Ewan McGregor. Watch it, and then rejoin me, please:





George really wants this to be an issue. Ewan calls him out.



Makes you see Georgie in a different light, doesn’t it?



I used to hate just the right-oriented journalists. Now I find that I hate most journalists.



Please, people. Kardashians are not news. Men kissing are not news.



News is news.



Ponder on that awhile, and then let’s try to get on with our lives.



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