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Monday, December 27, 2010

Coming attractions: art-house edition


Partner and I slogged through the snow up to the Avon Cinema to see “The King's Speech” on Sunday afternoon.  The theater is very cute, very close to the Brown campus, with the usual wacky / eccentric college-town crowd. They've been playing the same recordings of Chopin and Scarlatti and Mozart piano favorites before the feature since at least 1978. And to confirm their ironic / hipster status, they use the 1950s animated “Let's All Go To The Lobby” clip, and a No Smoking / Enjoy the Movie notice from around 1989.




And now: your coming attractions, art-house edition.



Blue Valentine. Is that David Arquette playing the ukulele? No, Ryan Gosling. And Michelle Williams of “Brokeback Mountain,” tap-dancing on the sidewalk. Random scenes of love, loss, yearning, infatuation, city skylines. Enough said? Coming, um, whenever.


I Love You, Phillip Morris. Jim Carrey, who is a pretty odd duck, may have finally found the right vehicle: he's a gay con man who falls in love with his prison cellmate, Ewan MacGregor, who is very fetching as a blond. Carrey gets to flail and shriek as usual, but somehow it seems . . . in character. The last image is of Carrey jumping into a dumpster. I like it! Coming soon.



(Partner and I look at one another and nod. This one we'll make a point of seeing.)



Mademoiselle Chambon. For some reason, a man is bashing through a wall with a hammer. Also, for some reason, they keep the hammer sound-effect going through most of the preview. Also a blond woman – the title character? - who plays the violin. Finally Hammer Man and Violin Lady speak, and it's a good thing they used subtitles; I thought I spoke French, but, man, evidently I need a refresher course. Basically, however, it's “Blue Valentine,” with a violin instead of a ukulele. A paraitre janvier/fevrier.



And now, mesdames et messieurs, Damen und Herren, ladies and gentlemen: your featured presentation.







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