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Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy birthday, blog!


I have been chunking out this blog for exactly one year now. My original challenge to myself was to see if I could generate a page a day for an indefinite period of time, and keep it fresh and (preferably) interesting, and maybe even funny once in a while.



It has given me a chance to set down some personal memories. It has allowed me to think aloud. It has helped me to think about my writing style, which has evolved (for better or worse) over the past year. I'm at least a more fluent writer than I was then. The words just come erupting out of me.



It has been instructive. The blog entries which have attracted the most notice have been about entertainment, in one form or another: one about Ray Davies of the Kinks, another about this year's Transformers sequel, another about “Jersey Shore.” Lesson: while I may write tremblingly beautiful little essays about my Aunt Petunia, no one really cares about my Aunt Petunia. People care about topics of common interest, like television and movies.



And politics! I have not gone there very often. I have not been shy of it, exactly; I'm out there, on the Internet, espousing my own (diluted and frightened) version of radical socialism, as well as my loathing for the poisonous conservative factions that are crippling our country and its recovery from recession these days. But I do not think people are reading me for my opinions on these things.



Sometimes I write about “gay issues.” I'm not exactly a leader in the LGBTQ community, but I have been a card-carrying member since the mid-1970s, so I have a few opinions. I am amazed at how far we've come. I am in agony when I think of how far we have to go.



And then there's the future. I named this blog “FutureWorld," knowing exactly what I meant, and I've explained it over and over again: here we are! In 2011! The Future! Lasers, and computers, and nuclear reactors, and cars that know how to park themselves! And we're still not happy! We still haven't achieved perfection! Everything is the same as it was a thousand years ago, and if we're not careful, we'll be cutting one another's ears off in a little while, fighting over bread and fish and dirty drinking water!



Ah me.



Here's to another dreadful year.



I hope, somehow, it brings all of us happiness.



Happy birthday, little blog.



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