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Thursday, August 15, 2013

More reasons that I am not a Christian

I am no longer a practicing Christian, but I have some respect for the founder of the religion; he said some very profound things about how to treat other people, and how to think about our lives on earth.

Which is why I am so charmed by this comment, made by Stephen Colbert:

Like most people, I love the idea of altruism. Sometimes I’m actually altruistic myself. I spent three and a half years of my life as a Peace Corps volunteer, which I suppose counts for something, but I have to admit it wasn’t exactly like spending time in prison; I had some pretty entertaining times in Morocco and Tunisia, and quite a few laughs.

Sometimes I try to help the needy. I contribute what I can, when I can. A British friend in Morocco gave me advice on how to deal with the armies of beggars there: “Choose one whom you see every day. Give him or her some money on a regular basis. You will have done your duty.” I still remember this. There’s one homeless woman in downtown Providence who sings and preaches on the street corner, and who always smiles when she sees me and says “God bless you.” I give her money when I have a bit extra.

But I’m also very selfish. I think of my own needs before those of others.

I am very far from being Christlike.

Which is why I shudder with revulsion when I watch and listen to the soldiers of the Christian Right – people like the repugnant Pat Robertson – spout all kinds of hate and nonsense.

They claim Christ as their lord and savior, and then they act as if the New Testament and all of the things Jesus said and did were irrelevant.

They have created a religion in their own image.

They can have it.

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